Saturday, April 16, 2011

Random Finds

A Health Canada study of canned pop has found the vast majority of the drinks contain the chemical bisphenol A, a substance that imitates the female hormone estrogen.

The highest levels of the chemical, known as BPA, were found in caffeine-loaded energy drinks, but the residue was also detected in ginger ale, diet cola, root beer and citrus-flavoured soda. Pop cans are lined on the inside with BPA in order to prevent the drink from coming into contact with the metal in the can.

Probably Mothers Milk
Estrogens (U.S., otherwise oestrogens or œstrogens) are a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the estrous cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone,

Well it appears Energy Drinks are testing positive for the chemical, Bisphenol A, which mimics the hormone estrogen. This chemical is often used to line the inside of cans and new testing performed in Canada showed alarming levels of this chemical in the drinks themselves.

This chemical is known to cause birth defects, but it is unclear if it really causes damage in adults. However, it’s something to be aware of and guys if you have any of the above symptoms you may want to have your hormone levels checked!

Estrogen Drink Recipe
- Banana
- Eggs
- Red Wine
- Strawberry Syrup
- Yogurt

The National Institutes of Health report that flaxseed may act like estrogen, a hormone in the body. The Institute states that there is concern that flaxseed, an estrogen-acting food, may worsen or aggravate hormone-related conditions such as uterine fibroids. However, it also reports that some animal research shows flaxseed might have a protective effect against hormone-related conditions. More studies are needed. The National Institutes of Health advises that you do not include excessive amounts of flaxseed in your diet if you suffer from hormone-related conditions.

Read more:

Health in Motion

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